set temp0= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "15"& QUOTE set temp1= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "69"& QUOTE set temp2= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "108"& QUOTE set HyperTextList = [ #2:temp0,#110:temp1,#80:temp2] set VideoList = [] @ POULTRY ASPIC In a pot containing about 7 pints of water, cook the vegetables as for a stew with the poultry giblets, salt, pepper and two cloves. After half an hour, add the chicken, simmer gently (20 minutes per pound). Take out straight away. Skin and bone completely. Sieve the broth, reduce it to 5 cups and add the gelatin following the indications. Allow to cool. Pour 1/2 inch of liquid aspic into an oiled aspic mold. Allow to thicken. Arrange poultry meat, some dices of ham, thin strips of truffle in a flower pattern on the aspic. Cover with aspic and allow to thicken in a cold place. Garnish with alternating layers of chicken and ham cut into ribbons arranged lengthways, held together with the foie gras mousse without pressing too much on the edges. Cover with cold, but still liquid, aspic and allow it to penetrate well between the mold and the filling. Chill for 6 hours, covered with a small board and a weight. Turn out after passing the tip of knife all around between the edge and the aspic. Decorate with dices of the remaining aspic. @ For a 3-pint mold: 1 chicken, weighing 3 1/3 lbs 8 3/4 oz ham, in one slice 7 oz foie gras mousse 1 truffle (optional) 3 carrots 3 leeks 2 celery branches 3 onions 1 bouquet garni 1 packet gelatin salt, pepper cloves @ 60 mn @ 60 mn @ @ Ile-de-France @ Poultry, Game @ @ C™tes-de-Beaune @